Window shopping

It is such underrated activity to go out, walking only for the sake of it, take a look at some windows, buy stuff. But those apparently simple moments give room to memories of relaxation and even some excellent pictures.

Sometimes, even with the easiness of taking pictures we can forget about the importance of taking pictures of streets and constructions around us. With the fast pace of life nowadays, everything chances so fast that in a time lapse of 10 years our surroundings may look completely different. Therefore, our unpretentious past photos might become a witness of a bygone era. A snapshot of our lives that can be so admired for the post generations.

I also completely believe the power of photography to preserve moments of our lives. Things that are part of routine often pass without we realize their importance and pictures give us a much-needed memory of moments that were taken for granted today, but highly missed tomorrow after life changes. The so-called historical distancing often makes ordinary items being valued especially when they get scarce after a while and tastes chance.

Once upon a time, I decided to take a picture of the façade of a store while window shopping and found myself with a beautiful picture, a memory of an ordinary day, like so many others. A day inside a more extensive context. In my personal life, I often realize that the routine days, usual things we do day after day, those are the memories that stick because this is what we most commonly do. The days of having a snack in the café nearby, spending time with the nature, the talk with friends in the local bakery, that beautiful clothing we bought sometimes are more memorable than the so-called great things.

“Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans”. We never know when we’ll have a problem and things collapse, but the good news is that we never know when we will live, cozy, happy moments around the corner. “It is the little things”. They may be small in size, but great importance and this is why having past moments as a reference is tool for making better decisions in the future and the future is being built now.

Everything and anything can become a memory and in a time when it is so easy to take pictures and make videos, when content creation is so common, there is no doubt that the future generations will have a plenty of things to research about our era. At least this is what I hope and even if internet becomes something totally different and social media ends or shrinks, I assume that the material currently produced will become preserved somehow. Maybe I’m too optimistic, but this is what I want to believe.

Glass shelves of a store. Full of small varied items, mostly made of glass and porcelain.

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