Prompt of the Day

Daily writing prompt
Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Thinking about the past is something I have done since I was a kid and I have no idea why; I just know that I have always loved history and to compare life in the past with life nowadays. Even in my childhood I read many history books although it is not common someone so young do it. I have always loved the entire new world that history can bring to us and how we can travel throughout so many different lifestyles without even leaving home.

Then, I grew up, started to attend college and pursued other hobbies and studies, but history has always been with me even though I have never professionally worked with it. However, I still think that history is a wonderful tool to decision making because it gives a chance of learning with past mistakes. I know that it is not really healthy to live in the past and I consider it that I have done it for a while in my younger days, but those days have been gone for a long time.

Thinking about the future is tempting for most of us, but I never did it too often because it causes anxiety and the truth is that we have no control over the future. All we can do is living in the best way and hope that it will bring back good things, but nothing is certain. On the other hand, we suffer for thinking too much about the past exactly because it is so certain. It is certain we cannot change it, all is there, fixed, it is over even if we do the very same things all over again because now is already a different moment and it will cause different consequences. The ability of moving on is very important for human happiness and knowing how much we should stick to the past is an art.

So by nature, I have spent much more time thinking about the past than the future because I am a historian at heart. There is also a touch of escapism in it. Many people like to think about the past as an ideal place when things were so much simpler and easier, a place where we can somehow return in case things go wrong right now. “The grass is always greener on the other side”, according to the saying. We all want a place to rest when feeling tired, somewhere safe and for some people the safety can be the past.

But past thoughts can also be useful for us to cherish what we have nowadays, how much people fought and obtained throughout the eras and how in many regards we are much luckier than our ancestors. We have a bigger lifespan, better health care and comfort standards, among many other things. We can study, get better informed and it means that, no matter how problematic is, we will always have alternatives to make life happier and more comfortable. So, thinking about the past can be a very positive activity whenever it is used wisely.

What if …

In this beginning of the year, when so many people looked back at the previous year and made resolutions about the subsequent one (sometimes to depressing consequences), it is nice to consider if all those thoughts about past and future are really healthy.

More than ever we know that the future is something we cannot control. The past is also something beyond us and when things get unstable it is natural to feel anxious about what may happen tomorrow, but sadly it is not always possible that life is the way we want it to be. Sure, it is natural that people make plans and have objectives in life and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it The problem is how we feel if anything unexpected happens, if the frustration will be too big.

I understand we cannot live irresponsibly and it is necessary to organize our thoughts, but in a world based on instability, where old truths proved not to be so real and not even news can be instantly trusted, sometimes it is better to try to relax and let it go. Use the good resources we have at our disposal within our reality and stick to it because we have tools to be aware that mental health has to be our priority and we cannot be mentally relaxed in the middle of anxiety.

When people celebrate the new year, they often just want to enjoy the moment, celebrate a new stage of life and partying a bit. This is all very positive, but sometimes we have to be neutral about the future and welcome it, but neither in a negative way (to avoid sadness) or in a too excited way (to avoid frustration). With hope and love in our hearts, hoping for the best and expecting nothing, simply accepting the good things and being resilient to the bad ones.

I have no idea if I make myself clear in this text. I mean that we should live one day after another for the sake of our mental sanity. Celebrating is good, but with both feet on the floor. It is just a day after another and in all days our option is doing our best, with hope and positive thoughts and high expectations, no matter how noble they are, do not always make much difference. When it comes to meditation and wellness, much is said about the importance of fulling living the present time because being too much in the past or future is a sort of prison. I could not agree more.

If the more reflection-oriented time of the New Year Eve made you feel uncomfortable, do not worry. We write a new page of our lives every day, it does not matter if it is a new year or not. We always have a chance and sometimes things go better than even our craziest dreams. This is the advantage of the fact that life is a surprise and surprises can be positive too. Relax, take your time, breath and live your life. Sometimes the best way of fighting for something is doing nothing and this is an active decision by itself.

Prompt of the Day

Daily writing prompt
What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

The best gift someone could give me is their time and attention. Life is much shorter than we can imagine and we live in a more self-centered era than decades ago. It means that if someone is considerate enough to give us their time and attention it probably means they like us a lot. After all, in many occasions, it is easier to do things for ourselves than going out of our way for others.

Much more than material things, sharing unforgettable memories with other people is what makes our lives worthwhile and when two people want to share their time together those memories just come naturally. It improves mental health and the sense of accomplishment. I know that the struggle for surviving can be overwhelming and make us forget about those moments, but exactly because life can be hard is that we definitely should do it.

So, more than ever devoted time is often a proof of love and it causes a much deeper impression in the long run. The ritual of exchanging presents sometimes has a social weight of an obligation, an object randomly purchased, but devoted time cannot be faked. The happiness of sharing part of their lives with others can easily be seen. With time we can develop a more solid foundation of human understanding and tolerance, avoiding hurried conclusions.

In such fast-paced world we cannot take time for granted. We are so often buried in our daily obligations that it makes time more precious than ever. In our free time we long to spend it in a happy and relaxed way and it is an honor to be part of someone else’s happy time.

Time is also great when it comes to long-lasting healthy relationships, not only romantic relationships, but all sorts of human connections. Having good people around us that follow us through life, always in a network of mutual support, attention, advice and love. It is beautiful when people stay, not due to co-dependence but because both people want to and they want it because it’s a beautiful exchange. The older we get, the more we miss having people who have known us for a long time, who can guess just by looking at our face how we feel.

History is built up right now, at this moment. It is up to us to gather the happiest memories. If someone else is generous enough to share their time and memories with us, let’s do it. If not, we can equally live wonderful moments by ourselves. Time is so valuable because we cannot look back or delete anything, there is no rough draft, so we should not waste anyone’s time.

Shifting Trends in Social Media

After around one decade of social media we are probably reaching another stage in using it. In the beginning, as it was a ground-breaking thing, there was lots of enthusiasm of people and no one was aware of what was adequate to share or not, how to reach a balance and do not overuse it.

However, time passed and we realized that things are more complicated than we thought at first. Algorithms of mainstream medias can sometimes be complicated to figure out and it is not uncommon to hear complaints of people who claim their content was not delivered to all followers. There is also the fact that content creators often do not get the amount of likes and followers they thought they were supposed to have.

Another point is that with access to so much content, some people are in “zombie mode”, scrolling down their feeds without interacting with anyone. The pressure for as much frequency and as many followers as possible can also be tiresome for many content creators, especially those who earn a living with social media and they have to pay their bills based on engagement, which fluctuates without apparent reason.

We have reached a point when we feel the need to have more control over the content we produce and the security of not having our accounts suddenly banned due to some infringement of the rules of plataform, regardless of being intentional or not. The tastes of audiences also change with time, so when it comes to entertainment, changes and variety are normal and have always happened, even some years ago. We still do want to connect as much as before, but we long to do it in a more relaxed way, without pressure of how our posts will perform and toxic environments.

It seems we have reached the era when the pressure for having many followers and likes is gone and instead the good thing is to have a good, constant, honest relationship with our audience, regardless of the amount of followers per se. I have also noticed people within their own “bubbles of joy”, where they interact with their friends about common interests. This is an understandable trend, as many people are already exhausted with having arguments with strangers about controversial subjects, especially related to politics and religion.

Talking to an extensive audience, often made up by people we have never interacted not even once, is problematic. The brain quickly has a sensory overload of so much information and we are not ready to absorb so much at once. Furthermore, not everything we read is pleasant or informative and we end up having too much stuff in mind that are not really relevant to us. Interacting with small groups of people who we know relatively well about subjects nice to everyone involved really takes off some pressure from our shoulders.

Everything changes in life and social media changes even faster. Some stuff considered “old” have been into fashion again, like blogging, closed discussion groups, chat rooms, etc., but this is natural as history is basically a cycle of things that come and go and facts often repeat themselves. This is not new. The focus on mental sanity and well being on line is also quite welcome, for obvious reasons. Maybe the time to talk to millions of followers have passed, but the few people who follow up your work are prone to be more loyal than ever and you will also have time to connect with them in a deeper way. Fair enough. Some stuff do change for the best.

A woman is on the balcony. She has straight hair and is wearing a white pullover with turtle neck. She is also wearing purple trousers and is holding a cup of coffee. She is checking something in her cellphone.

Prompt of the Day

Daily writing prompt
What makes you feel nostalgic?

As a person who has loved history since childhood, I can say that it is very easy for me to feel nostalgic. It is a feeling I really like to have because comparing past and present, in my honest opinion, is the wisest way to make good choices for the future. Since very early in life, thoughts about the past have existed in my mind and I have always been attracted by older things. All sorts of old things: films, objects, photos, places, elderly people.

I also have the kind of escapism feeling of thinking about the past as a better place, when things were so much simpler and easier. I know this thought is definitely a trap and I do my very best for not romanticizing the past by reminding of all problems people faced. A good example that the past was not as sweet as we imagine is World War 1 and World War 2. If the world was so wonderful, those things would not have happened, among many other tragedies throughout history. However, I think it is just human that we imagine a place or an era when things are great so we can mentally escape our reality.

Something concrete that makes me so nostalgic is the classic films I love so much, especially the silent films. Sure, despite all problems we face nowadays, we have much more comfort and better healthcare than the previous generations, but seeing the slower pace of life, the extra time people had to do things is so captivating. I reach a point of physically relaxing while seeing those old films merely because the films themselves were slower. This is why I love to watch films in the evening, after a hard day at work because it properly prepares my body to relax before going to bed.

I also get nostalgic when I see really old constructions. It does not matter if it is a monument, a building, a house, etc. It is just enough that it was constructed a very long time ago. I find myself imagining how it was constructed, who lived in those places, who worked there and it is another very relaxing experience to me. It is funny that I have those nostalgic thoughts since I was a little kid. It is as if I have always longed for a past that I do not know specifically what it is, but I am certain it existed. A time when I was in touch with nature, in a slower life, when I freely went to places day and night. Of course it is just an idealization of things I would like to do, but the thought sometimes is so strong that it is as if I had already done those things.

I do not reject the present time by any means. I only do not like the increased urban violence and worse unemployment rates, but I know that people had terrible problems in the past and basic comforts that we take for granted were non existing. Another point is that nowadays we are much more well-informed than in the past. I do think that the current time gives people lots of opportunities and, if things seem oppressive, it is probably because some people and groups life a harsh reality. But if they had a chance to live in this world in a better reality, their lives would be much better.

There is a sentence that says: “The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence”. We cannot dwell in the past because it makes people depressed. It is good as a reference to make our choices for the future and learn with our mistakes and it is all. In all eras we have good things and chances of being happy, no matter how difficult things can be and we should use our current resources to make something beautiful with them. It is always possible to do so. For example, we live in an unprecedented revolution in communications brought by the internet, among many other cool stuff. We should make the most of the positive factors, adjust to our lives and life to the full.

Christmas and Reflections

I confess that Christmas is far from being my favorite time of the year. The crowds binge buying as if they were under some sort of hypnotism, the forced social gatherings (The worst part) with people you do not necessarily have any connection with, it’s all beyond my patience.

But being on my own, living my life in calm and tranquility among all crowds is very refreshing for me. I like to use the time to do things I have wanted to do for a long time, like tidying up specific corners of my house, engaging in social media, do physical exercise, etc. Rather than focusing on my surroundings, I do things for myself and it works beautifully for me to have more fun at this time of the year.

Nowadays, as time passes, it has been easier for me to be quiet than talk, to do things on my own rather than speaking up and there are many advantages in it. Not relying on other people for our way being is one of the deepest types of freedom we can experience. On the other hand, we are social beings by nature and it is nice to find a balance.

Therefore, I also use Christmas time to message relatives and friends with whom I have not talked for ages. Still, if I am not too busy with work, there is still lots of time for thoughts and the holidays is not a good time to keep the mind wandering and I like to occupy my mind to avoid any Christmas blues, which impacts so many people. In the end of year, people settle down and things get quiet, which can be a trigger to anyone.

There is still magic and joy at this time the year, but some people can feel sad, especially due to their past experiences. If you are one of those people, do not force yourself to be sociable or do anything you do not want. Respect your limits and ignore other people’s opinions. If you are happy at Christmas, please, try to put yourself on other people’s shoes and respect them if they are quieter than usual. We can and should all have fun, even those folks who are not into the holidays mood.

A living room where we can see a Christmas tree with presents around it. We can also see a sofa, a mirror, a window and part of a wheelchair.

Prompt of the Day

Daily writing prompt
Are you a good judge of character?

Yes, I can judge character in a relatively good way. Of course that it does not prevent me from being mistaken sometimes, but my intuition works well. I think it also helps the fact that I am humble and I acknowledge I can make mistakes.

Another positive point is that I am aware of the toxic traits of people that I really do not want to tolerate. I detest gossip and having around me people who are often saying bad things about others is a huge red flag for me. If they criticize others to me, they can also criticize me to other people. I also tend not to like bossy people, who think they can tell others how to live their lives, etc.

Having no previous expectations of people before getting to know them helps our prejudices not being on the way of our judgment. We need to feel the energy of the person and, in those cases, the intuition must act freely and we should have a relaxed state of mind.

Observing our intuition is also very important. It is not rare people have an accurate insight, but dismiss it thinking it was a bullshit. We need to trust our gut instinct and, as with everything else, it is a skill that gets better with practice and maturity. Once we realize there is something wrong with another person, we should drift away momentarily and analyze what is going on until we can make a better judgment.

Of course that judging other people’s character can be something quite different depending on the situation. We do not always have a chance to reflect before interacting with others or the opportunity of walking away of anything harms us. However, protecting ourselves from negativity is a survival instrument, especially because we need to make room for the truly positive people approach us. Once we are in a good mental state, in peace with ourselves, the right people come right to us. And, accomplishing this with bad people around, is much more difficult.

A woman is holding a book. She is outdoors. Her hair is long, straight and dark. She is wearing a gray coat and seems to be thinking about something.

Writing for the Sake of It

In an era of social medias, when the so-called content creators are supposed to create content that “solves the client’s pain” or “solve a person’s problem”, if sharing our innermost thoughts with simple pictures and focus on words themselves is still something valued. When we are supposed to look entertaining and knowledgeable, all that in a beautiful package, if simply writing texts is something still in demand.

Nowadays it is so easy to see everywhere on line homemade entertainment (the so-called “content”), often very visually appealing that I often wonder if people are still interested solely on words. Much has been said of the low attention spam of people, reportedly caused by over stimulation provided by social media. Personally, I still have attention to watch stuff and talk to people, but I admit my ability to read has been terrible. I have no idea if it is due to social media. Actually, I think it is because I have read so many things at the university that ended up being useless in practice that my brain has not still recovered from the overload.

Yes, I am also talking about the value of my own writings, if it is something people will appreciate reading. I know that perfectionism is common among writers and that, seeing so many people creating wonderful things, either in and out of the internet makes us wonder about our own competence and comparison is a bad thing. However, I remember that one of main reasons why I created this site was to share my feelings and it means that someone will eventually read and connect with me.

If I am just sharing my thoughts about the world, will people appreciate what I write although I am not teaching anything? Or maybe I have been into social media for too long and forgot what blogging is all about? Self doubt is common and probably what I write is far from perfect, but I have chosen to ignore this type of questioning and publish my thoughts anyway. Not because what I write is perfect, but due to my wish of expressing myself. Feelings are something we cannot see or touch so it is natural we wonder if people will understand when we write about abstract concepts and personal experiences. On the other hand, I have recently seen in Instagram entire networks of independent writers and it is a joy to see people producing culture and disclosing it somehow.

I confess I often find myself wondering if my texts even have a coherence, a clear beginning, middle and end or if I have just scattered my thoughts randomly and people cannot get the meaning of anything. I am trying to get over too much perfectionism because it paralyzes us and practicing my writing and it will eventually get fine. I hope you guys do not feel you are my guinea pigs. I write for me and for you, unknown person reading. I do not know who you are, but I know that words will make us meet, connect and have a good time. I throw parts of my mind and soul into the universe and I know it will give me good vibes back in the form of every nice people who are around.

A person is holding a pen while writing on a notebook. It seems to be a woman. Her nails are painted with black nail polish. She is also holding a cup of coffee where it is written "Be happy".

Prompt of the Day

Daily writing prompt
When are you most happy?

I am fortunately happy with the simplest stuff in life. I love the day of my birthday and I am happy and grateful to have lived another year and going out and having a meal close to my house is already a perfect way to celebrate it. It is a day I would love to last forever.

I am also happy at the end of the month when I look back and realize I worked hard and got to do everything I was supposed to. I am grateful and happy that I am healthy enough to work and I am not in the unemployment line. I am aware that in such crazy globalized world merely having a chance to work is a privilege.

It makes me happy to work out, release endorphines and it is a joy whenever I get to do all exercises calmly and can feel my body getting stronger. It is also part of the package when I get to eat healthy food and do not give in to the temptation of carbohydrates.

I am very happy when I get to create good content and share something positive and informative with other people. I feel the good vibes returning right back to me. It totally includes my writings here, when you guys read me and consider my words meaningful to the point of you devoting some of your time to me. Thank you very much.

A woman has her back towards the camera. She is in a sunflower plantation. We can see she is wearing a hat, her hair is brown and long. She is wearing a red blouse. Her arms are up.

The joy of “old fashioned” writing

I confess I missed blogging and practicing my writing this way, without constraints, simply putting my feelings and opinions on paper (Or on screen, in this case). Nowadays we live so much under social medias that some people even have difficulty to imagine life without them. Fortunately, I am within a transitional generation and I know well both the analogue and digital worlds, which I consider a privilege.

Do not get me wrong! I love social media. They are a great example that if humankind gathers together and gives some input of knowledge we end up with a rich library of information. The practicality of posts is also wonderful. Rather than writing a full text, people can develop their writing in small pills, one post at time and still provide information of high value and quality. However, being a slave of algorithms is something that can often be frustrating and most people have already realized it.

There is some magic, a touch of meditation in writing, just you silently and your thoughts pouring. Sure, we always want people to read what we write, but the pressure of followers, engagement and “traction” is a completely different ball game. I love the concept of sharing thoughts with other people and blogging and sites provide this relaxed textual production. Sure, it can be daunting to see a blank page in front of you, there is embarrassment if we will write something worth reading, but writing is a skill and it gets better with practice.

There is also a feeling of intimacy and coziness while writing. We are more self-centered in writing out of social media and it gives us a chance of sharing our innermost thoughts and those who connect with our words do connect with our deepest opinions. This is why whenever I write a post to this site, I simply sit down and put on paper how I feel. I do not give much thought if what I am writing is perfect or informative. I know that those thoughts would only make me doubt myself and it would harm the entire process. If the objective is expressing myself and creating a community I need the freedom to let my soul guiding myself. That is really poetic, huh?

Mentioning social media once more, they have taught us that the best way is to start our self expression with the resources we have, working on our abilities and improve along the way. It is also very special when other people can follow up your evolution in real time. Do not let self doubt prevent you from doing what you like. We are not perfect, we will never be perfect. But it is part of human nature the necessity of speaking up, using our voice and connect with like-minded individuals. This is even therapeutic and life has so many problems that whenever we can do what we love, without harming other people, we should just go for it.

Connection, community creation, saying your truths, those are concepts so often talked about that they end up being cliches, but the human soul has not changed so much since pre history. In the end of the day, the friends we make along the way, the feeling of relief to take things off our chest the joy in sharing good news, this is what makes our journey in this world more pleasant. Otherwise, which would be another explanation for so many people writing, either on paper or on line, totally for free? We may not earn money with it, but the satisfaction obtained is totally priceless. Food for the body is essential, but food for the soul is as important. In a world when mental health has been talked about so often, it is unnecessary to say why.

We can see a wooden desk and two hands (apparently, belonging to a woman who is notg visible in the picture) using a typewriter. There are some books on the table and flowers in a glass of water.

My film watching in a nutshell

Throughout the decades, my film watching has changed a lot, but I believe it has been the same with all of us. Before the advent of internet, I saw the classic films being broadcast on TV and I loved, but I had no way to have further access them, not only because of the era but also because I was too young. Sure, we could rent films, but they were mostly the most recent blockbusters and there was not too much variety.

On the other hand, I was lucky enough to be a child in an era when it was not unusual open TV channels show classic films, especially at the end of year. So, despite living in a pre internet era, I did have an introduction to old films. I can still remember my fascination by Bette Davies and Greta Garbo and how I loved their films. I also remember how wonderful it was to watch Mary Poppins at Christmas time. I even watched on TV when I was 13 years old some famous silent comedies by Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. The seed of a passion was planted in my heart.

Then, time passed, internet came and it has changed the way we consume culture. Nowadays we can check the synopsis of films in IMDB, order DVDs even of the most obscure films, write our opinions about films in social media, blogs, sites, etc. I do not underestimate the era when we had to wait until TV channels show the films we like, but it is simply priceless to have legal access to so many things.

In my teens, I thought that I did not like films at all because I did not have easy access to films I really liked. Throughout my formative years I listened to lots of music, but did not watch films regularly, often not at all. It is a pity, but I see it as an inevitable consequence of the era. When I could access all films I have wanted I realized that I had lots of catch up to do, lots of great work to know. It took me plenty of years until I became at least a little less ignorant when it comes to cinema.

Hobbies are something quite particular. In some eras of our lives we are more inclined to do some stuff than others. Sometimes we are more into music, in other times we are more into films, etc. But it is a joy brought by the internet that we can search, research and get more knowledgeable in any subject we like, we just need to be willing to do it. This is a free, independent, relaxing way to spend our free time and nowadays mental sanity is something we should take the best care of. Positive hobbies definitely help in this aspect.

Thus, although I did not watch too many films in my youth, it was in this time when it was sowed the seeds of my passion for films. I could not go deep into it, but once I had the opportunity I definitely used it to my benefit. I never forgot the type of films that pleased me, even many years later. With the current exposure we have to culture, it is nice to take a look and see which cultural activities interest us most. Check if you like to do things at home or out of it, if you are more active or if you prefer to sit down, etc. and I’m sure that with only a little self knowledge you can find the hobby that will fit you most.

We can see a living room in day time. In the living room there is a wooden desk with a TV set on it. There is also a chair, a mirror, windows. We can partially see a curtain, a rug and a sofa.

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